Common frog
Rana temporaria

Classification: amphibians
Size: 8 – 10 cm
Lifespan: 8 years
Red List Category: LC – least concern
This species is one of our most common frog species. According to its (*Slovak) name, it might seem that its color is brown, but the truth is, it is extremely diverse (all shades of brown from sand, through saddle brown, gray-brown, green, green-brown, reddish to almost black).
It is found throughout the territory of Slovakia at altitudes from 220 to 2,200 m above sea level. It is a forest species, so outside the reproductive season, it can be found mainly in forests. It winters at the bottom of water reservoirs or in shelters on land, being a hardy species. It is among the first of our amphibians to reproduce. It can be often seen even in the snow or partially frozen water. Frogs move to breeding grounds in groups. At the time of reproduction, they lay eggs in large clusters near the water’s surface. Unlike some other frog species, they emit relatively weak calls during breeding.
Like other frog species, they mainly feed on various insects and snails. Their tadpoles are food for the larvae of aquatic insects, water bugs, and fish. Adults, on the other hand, are food for many species of waterfowl, snakes, and also otters.
Do you know?
There are up to 1000-2500 eggs in one clutch.