Strategic Documents of the City

Programme of Economic Development and Social Development of the City of Liptovský Mikuláš for the Years 2015-2022 with a View to 2030

Základný strategický dokument mesta. Cieľom rozvojového dokumentu je na základe sociálno – ekonomickej analýzy mesta vytvoriť program hospodárskeho a sociálneho rozvoja daného územia, ktorý bude základným strednodobým programovým dokumentom na podporu regionálneho rozvoja a súhrnom cielených opatrení na stimuláciu ekonomického a sociálneho rozvoja na úrovni mesta Liptovský Mikuláš.

The strategic document Liptov 2030 is currently being prepared for the urban functional area UMR Ružomberok-Liptovský Mikuláš integrating 18 municipalities. The document is a proposal of the implementation mechanism for the new programming period of the European Investment and Structural Funds for the years 2021-2027 and is based on the process of monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Programme of Economic and Social Development of cities and municipalities forming the urban functional area of the UMR in the years 2014-2020 and their projection into the Regional Integrated Spatial Strategy of the Žilina Self-Governing Region.

Tree Care Document of Liptovský Mikuláš

The Tree Care Document belongs to the nature and landscape conservation documentation. It is the basic document for ensuring the care of trees in the cadastral area of the city. It is procured and approved by the city and drawn up by a professionally competent person.

The Tree Care document provides an overview of the distribution, quality, and ecological, landscape, aesthetic, and cultural-historical significance of trees in the cadastral territory of the municipality and is the basis for ensuring the care of trees, the decision-making of nature conservation authorities and is also the basis for applying replacement planting for felled trees, as well as for determining the amount of financial compensation for trees felled without consent and in cases where replacement planting cannot be decreed pursuant to Article 48 of Act No. 543/2002 Coll.

The city of Liptovský Mikuláš has drawn up tree care documents for the following sites:

  • Nábrežie 4. apríla
  • Nábrežie Dr. A. Stodolu
  • Old Town (squares and parks)
  • Old Town (north-western part)
  • Podbreziny
  • Old Town (north-eastern part)
  • Central part (surroundings of road 18)

Principles of Waste Management on the Territory of the City of Liptovský Mikuláš

The document deals with waste generated in the territory of the city of Liptovský Mikuláš. It deals with the collection and sorted collection of municipal waste components. The collection concerns mixed municipal waste, bulky waste collection, collection of waste containing harmful substances, collection of minor construction waste.

As for the separate collection of municipal waste components, the municipality carries out separate collection by waste categories.

Low Carbon Strategy of Liptovský Mikuláš

The Low Carbon Strategy is linked to environmental issues. It is a medium-term, professional document that analyses the buildings in the possession of the city, the heat-power engineering of the city, public lighting, transport, adaptation measures in relation to climate change, and smart city solutions.

In other words, the Low Carbon Strategy is a proposal of the measures that should be implemented in order to achieve the reduction of CO2 production by the city. The government of the Slovak Republic has passed a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by 2030. The NUS of Liptovský Mikuláš aims to reduce the emissions of CO2 in t/year by 93% by 2036.

The Concept of the Development of the City of Liptovský Mikuláš in the Field of Heat-Power Engineering

The concept of city development in the field of heat-power engineering is related to environmental issues. It is a medium-term, professional document that analyses the heat-power engineering of the city.

The task of the city development concept in the field of heat-power engineering is to create conditions for the systematic development of thermal equipment systems in order to ensure the reliability and safety of heat supply, economy in the production, distribution, and consumption of heat on the principle of sustainable development, with an emphasis on environmental protection with a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions CO2 and in accordance with the intentions of the energy policy of the Slovak Republic and binding legislative regulations in the field of power engineering.

After its approval by the municipality council, the concept of development in the field of heat-power engineering becomes a part of the binding section of the spatial planning documentation of the city. Nowadays, the city has developed a spatial planning documentation.

Other Strategic Documents of the City

Action Plan for Urban Acupuncture in the Functional Urban Area of Liptovský Mikuláš, Action Plan for UEA for Liptovský Mikuláš

The Action Plan is one of the outputs of the international project SALUTE4CE, implemented under the INTERREG Central Europe programme. The project involves 10 partners from 5 countries: the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Germany, Poland and Italy.
It describes the purpose of the project and introduces the philosophy of urban acupuncture on which the action plan is based. The aim of the presented action plan is to identify specific tasks and activities, schedules and resources needed for the implementation of the proposed urban acupuncture activities within the Functional Urban Area (FUA) of Liptovský Mikuláš.
The Action Plan summarizes information on the current state of the environment of the affected FUA and identifies the vision and goals of the FUA. An important part of the Action Plan is the description of the participation of the inhabitants in the preparation/selection of activities within the FUA. The Action Plan defines the preliminary selection and evaluation of proposed sites and the planning of individual actions. An essential part of it is the identification of measures for the prospective maintenance of the proposed activities, management and maintenance planning for the pilot actions, and the establishment of sustainability indicators in the follow-up monitoring.

Všeobecne záväzné nariadenie mesta Liptovský Mikuláš Č. 7/2OIO/VZN

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